Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Moulana Yunus Patel Quotes

Bismihi Ta'ala

Insha-Allah, this thread will be used for selected and concise advices/sayings of
Hazrat Maulana Yunus Patel {Rahmatullahi ‘Alayh}.


‘The sooner you connect yourself to Allah Ta’ala and
Rasulullah (Sallallaahu ‘alayhi waSallam), the sooner you get on ‘track’,
then the first thing Allah Ta’ala blesses you with is
peace of mind and satisfaction.


‘This brake of the remembrance of death restrains the vehicle of life
from the accidents of sin.’

‘If you want peace, if you want contentment and if you want tranquility,
then chalk out this goal in life : Make ONE ALLAH happy.
…What a beautiful religion Islam is!’


‘If the heart has “rust”, then bring the “t” back : Trust in Allah Ta’ala,
“Turn” to Allah Ta’ala, make sincere “Taubah” to Allah Ta’ala.’

‘I always say don’t court before marriage. Most couples court, court and court,
and after marriage, they end up in divorce courts.’


‘I often say : We get instant tea, and instant coffee, and instant pudding
and instant cereal, and so many other things have become ‘instant’
…We are living in such a time, when death too has become just as instant.
We don’t know where, when and how.’7.

‘When giving a talk in Bolton (UK), I mentioned that the name of their suburb tendered noble advice :
That we place a bolt on the doors of our hearts - to shut nafs and shaytaan out of our hearts, and to protect the treasure of Allah Ta’ala’s Love inside our hearts.’

'“Ghaflat” (negligence/heedlessness) is the HEN which lays the EGGS of all other sins. This is what happens when we become negligent and forgetful of Allah Ta’ala, of Aakhirah and of Accountability: We get caught up in sins.


‘Haraam brings HARM, and if we take the double “a” in the transliteration of the word ‘HARAAM’, it brings double harm : Harm in this world and harm in the Aakhirah.

Whilst in the wake of Haraam, there is nothing but harm; in that same Haraam is the companionship of the devil, and that company is evil. The word “devil” is, in fact, informing us that in befriending the devil, in giving into the whisperings of the devil, we will find ourselves in “evil”. …So take lesson.


‘Where you don’t find Allah Ta’ala*, DISTANCE YOURSELF.’


"Abstinence from sins is Fardh (compulsory) at all times."


"…Our teeth have gone ‘blunt’ in chewing the Divine Bounty of food,
but shukr (gratitude) does not come to our lips."


"The trap of shaytaan is that he whispers : “There’s still time ... you’re still young ...”

…Dispel the myth that it’s early. Death does not wait.

My Shaykh, Hazrat Maulana Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Saheb (DB) says:

“Strange is the visa of life;
It can be cancelled at anytime.
The duration of its validity is unknown
And its extension too, impossible."


"Irrespective of what the demand of the nafs may be, the Muslim looks at the Command of His Allah.
The Muslim does not look at the demand of the nafs. He looks at the Command of His Rabb,
Allah Ta’ala,
and he willingly and happily accepts, complies and acts in accordance
with what pleases his Beloved Allah Ta’ala."


Empty the heart and receive Allah.


For the Aarif of Allah, his concern at every step is : "Is my Allah pleased with this step?"

When he speaks : “Is my Allah pleased with this speech?”

On his every action : “Is my Allah pleased with this action?”

There is Perfection in Nabi (Sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa-Sallam), and the Sahabah (RA) were a
Reflection of Nabi (Sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa-Sallam).


One’s akhlaaq (character) is an indication of one’s nisbat (connection) with Nabi (Sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa-Sallam).


‘Hearts have become dark and have become ruined due to evil glancing.’


“Pay back here, if you want to save your back there.”

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